Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Recent Reads: December 2019

Hey guys! Happy New Year to all of you.

After doing my first two book review blog posts I realized that there was probably a better way to aggregate all of the books that I read over a specific month. I read a ton and have currently read 50 books this year so if I chose to review every single book on this blog, I think that’s the only content you guys would get. So here is my first post of the books I recently read during the month of December.

I generally read over 4 mediums, so it means I am reading a bunch of books at any given time. If you guys are interested I can talk about which I use, and my preferences towards them.

I'll go through the books I've read based on the Star Rating that I've given them. All links are affiliate links that will help me to run this blog but I will only offer affiliate links for books that I've rated 3+ stars, as those are the only books that I would recommend to my readers.

When I am talking through my star ratings, this is what I'm using as a scale. A quick reminder,  just because I don't love something, doesn't mean that it is a bad book. If it is your fav, that is totally okay!

5 Stars: I absolutely loved it
4 Stars: I really liked it
3 Stars: I liked it
2 Stars: It was okay
1 Star: I disliked it, or I did not finish

5 Stars

  • There was nothing this month that I absolutely loved. Maybe next month. 

4 Stars

  • Complete Me - Geneva Lee. This is the last book in the Royal's Saga by Geneva Lee. It brings you back to Alexander and Clara as well as Belle and Smith. It turns out that Alexander has a family secret and he has to figure out how to handle it both personally, as well as with his wife all before Christmas. It felt very apropos to read this in December as it did have a Christmas Feel to it. I enjoyed all of the other books in this series, and while it took me a while to get to this one, I felt like it was something I felt more of an obligation to read than a real desire. but I'm ultimately glad I did. I really enjoyed it and rushed through the book if only to see what happened at the end. The only thing I didn't love was how the book ended and that would be the reason why I didn't give it 5 stars. While it tied up all of the loose ends, I felt like it ended in a way that would potentially lead to more novels in the series, but the series is also supposed to be over. Purchase this here on Amazon

3 Stars

  • Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng. Review Here
  • Twisted Twenty Six - Janet Evanovich. Review Here
  • The Lucky One - Lori Rader Day. This was an advanced release that I got from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. It follows Alice who was kidnapped as a child and works on a website called the Doe pages which helps to find missing persons, and Merrilly, who is trying to figure out where her mom’s mysterious ex-boyfriend has gone. Their relationships are interconnected and this story shows how, while exploring each one’s individual lives. I liked the way that they tied everything up at the end, but I didn't love the story. I felt as if it had parts for me that were a bit confusing for me to want to enjoy it. And I think it didn’t help that we were jumping back and forth between Merrilly and Alice. 
Christmas reading (and basketball)

2 Stars
  • Wild Game - Adrienne Brodeur. I have to say I expected to enjoy this book more than I did. Based on the description I felt like it was something that was going to be fast paced and exciting. And knowing what the concept of what was happening in the story I felt like that should have been the case (the author was an accomplice in helping her mother cover up a long affair). But in a way it felt like more of a story that someone you know was telling you. I was kind of disconnected from the get go and felt myself struggling to connect with the characters.  Even more so since the story is told in a vein that causes you to have very strong opinions on the author’s mother and could even potentially cause you to feel frustration with the author and her behavior throughout the story. Thankfully it was a quick read and I was able to get through it quickly because I feel like if it was longer, it could have quickly turned into something that I ultimately trudged through or DNF’ed. I'm not a memoir person to begin with, so this memoir did not really drive me to read more. 

1 Star - Thankfully I didn’t have any of these! 

Happy New Year and Love from NYC!

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