Sunday, January 5, 2020

Thanks 2019

Hi Guys - Happy New Year from NYC (again). So this post was actually supposed to be done on New Year's Eve, but I didn’t finish it. So here is it now, just more than a few days late

2019 was the end of a decade. A decade that had its ups and downs, and allowed me to learn a lot about myself, and the world around me. I started it at the end of my Freshman year of college, thinking I wanted to be in business, or work for a sports team. And here I am at the end of the decade,  doing neither of those things. I honestly am in the position of doing a full career change, whether that is doing brand management somewhere, or going to law school.

I don't know if I have it all figured out, but 2019 brought me a lot of good and some bad that I can't overlook.

2019, brought me 2 of the best friends that NYC has to offer, for allowing me to meet people who love me for who I am, even if that means they have to sift the walnuts out of the brownie mix they bought.

2019 also brought me to two brand new places, London and Naples. It showed  me that even if it was just during the day, I could be by myself, and learn a little bit of a new language and get around. That my friends from 20 years ago, are still my friends and I love them just as much I did when we rode the bus together in 4th grade. And finally, I learned that the world is a lot bigger than I ever expected.

In 2019, I lost a job that I thought I was happy in. But when you look back on it, it taught me that it was something I was too afraid to leave. That I never really wanted to be there in the first place, but I stuck it out because the money was good. And not only that, it told me that even though I thought that I was happy, I actually don't know if account management is for me. So today, I sit here, still struggling to figure out where I go from here, but happier than I have been in months.

But no matter the good or bad in 2019, in 2020 those losses will be forgotten, and instead what I've gained will come with me as I take the next step in my life. And maybe that is moving back to NJ to work at Nabisco. Or it's going to law school. But whatever it is, there will be no "what if's" or "can'ts." I'll be driven by the things that make me happy, and the things that make me a better person.

Love from NYC,

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