Saturday, December 21, 2019

Book Review: Everything I Never Told You

Jumping into our first book review here on my blog. The book is called Everything I Never Told You.

I know I’m a little late to reading this book. It was originally released in 2014 by the author Celeste Ng. It’s about the Lee family in Ohio and starts out with their daughter Lydia dying. I felt like that for me was a really aggressive start but it got better after that. They ended up connecting everything at the end which was better.

It took place in the 70s, so it was interesting to see the racial profiling that Asian families dealt with during that time period, especially considering that is likely something they don’t experience in today’s culture.

At the end of the day, it was a book I’d recommend but I’m not sure it was worth the hype that I think everyone gave it. If I had to give it a star ranking, I’d say it was probably about 3 stars for me. I had an enjoyable time reading it (and believe me I cannot say that about every book) but it was not my favorite book this year at all.

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