Thursday, January 16, 2020

My First 10 Lbs

Hey Everyone -

So I always thought that I would never have a weight and fitness journey to share, but here we are. Over the past 6 months, I've lost 10 lbs. Okay, well 9.5. And I'm excited to share my journey with you! It's been a roller coaster of a journey, but I've finally found something that works for me, and now we're here!

I've always been pretty thin. I played sports in high school and as a kid and worked out a decent amount in my college and career life. But what really killed me was when I used to commute to and from NYC. I spent 2 hrs on the road in the morning and at night, and it made it hard for me to work out as much as I could. But my weight stayed pretty consistent. Until October of 2019. I noticed myself having gained a pretty significant amount of weight and I knew I had to change things.

April of 2019, I started using the Sweat App. At that point I had the time and wanted to make the change. I had heard so many good things about the BBG program from Kayla Itstines and I had always wanted to try it. The other thing is that I have a gym in my building, but I didn't know anything about

But the thing was, whereas I never really ate poorly but now I had a workout regime, and I walked 40 minutes each way every day to work, I was still gaining weight. I just couldn't understand it. I was so discouraged, I would cry and almost didn't want to keep going anymore. So I was talking to my mom only to find out that something called Hypothyroidism (an underachieve thyroid) runs in our family. And the two main symptoms are unexplained weight gain, which I had, and tiredness, which I also had. I remembered a time I went out to lunch with a girlfriend and I was so tired I had to go to bed at 9:30 PM.

To the doctor I went, only to find out yes, I did have Hypothyroidism. That explained my tiredness and why even working out, I was still gaining weight. And in July I was my heaviest ever. About 25 lbs heavier than July of the year before.

So now that I found out one part, I had to figure out the second part. And that was where Kelsey Wells came in. Her PWR Program as well as her as a trainer and the entire PWR community, helped me to find a work out program that I actually enjoyed doing. That made me sore and helped me build muscle, but I wasn't like "ugh I have to do it." So Kelsey, if you read this, thank you. The PWR community that you've built is something that has become so special to my fitness journey. I added in a little extra cardio here and there, but I love its flexibility.

The other thing that that wasn't health or food related that really helped me in my journey was Rent the Runway. It made it so that I had clothes that consistently fit me and I enjoyed wearing, but  there was no pre-existing stigma that these clothes had fit in the past and didn't fit now. It made me feel more confident in myself, and didn't cause me to overeat or anything because I felt like things just weren't going my way or working the way that they should have.

So after everything, here are the progress photos. Besides the fact that my hair is longer, the other thing you see here is a girl that's more confident, happy in her skin and as an added benefit, down about 10 lbs. While I don't have a goal weight moving forward, my goal is to always be the best version of myself I can be.

Love from NYC!


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