Sunday, March 1, 2020

Recent Reads: February 2020

Hi Guys -

Welcome back to recent reads. I know I've been a little distant over the past couple of weeks on here because I was studying for the LSATs but figured I'd get back in one of my favorite things! As I mentioned, I was taking the LSATs on 2/22, so I didn't do as much reading this month. If you guys are interested in hearing my feelings on the LSATs let me know.

Just as a reminder, here is the star scale that I go by.

5 Stars: I absolutely loved it
4 Stars: I really liked it
3 Stars: I liked it
2 Stars: It was okay
1 Star: I disliked it

5 Stars

  • Lock Every Door - Riley Sager. This books was recommended to me by @booksandlala on YouTube. I am always looking for a thriller and this one really hit the spot. I actually finished it in 2 days it was so good. The one thing I have to say I liked about this thriller was that it actually surprised me. A lot of thrillers don't necessarily keep you guessing until the end  (you can usually figure it out somewhere along the way) and this one absolutely did not. So Jules is dead broke (welcome to NYC, where we're all semi broke) and she sees an ad for a house sitter in an Upper West Side Apartment. But when she gets there she finds out that there are a ton of rulesNo visitors. No nights spent away from the apartment. No disturbing the other residents, all of whom are rich or famous or both. But Jules meets Ingrid, one of the other house sitters. And then the next day Ingrid is missing. It's a gripping story that kept me intrigued until the very last page
4 Stars
  • The Broken Girls - Simone St. James. This one was weird, it was a thriller, but was also paranormal, but also told in more than one timeframe. Fiona's sister was found murdered on the ground of Idelwild Hall. And now they want to rebuild it. You also hear from a group of 4 students who are currently students at Idelwild in the early 1950s. I really enjoyed this book, but it wasn't quite a 5 star for me. 
3 Stars 
  • The Other Mrs. Miller - Phoebe Miller is a recluse. She isn't happy with herself, or her life and spends her days looking at the car that consistently sits on her block. But that all changes when a new family moves in across the street. And she becomes more focused on the new family, and not the car that sits on her block. I liked this book, but it wasn't the page turner that the other two were for me. I liked it, but I don't expect that I'd recommend it to anyone. 
I didn't have any 2 star books or 1 star books. I did have one book that I decided not to finish, and that is called the Andalucian Friend. It was a book that based on the description (The Sopranos meets The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) I thought I was going to love. I tried both the physical book and the audio and I just couldn't do it.

Looking forward to hopefully getting a chance to read a bit more in March (I have like 5 I've started).

Love from NYC!

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